
What is Senna ?

It belongs to the family Fabaceae. It is commonly known as Senna in Arabic, Sonnamukki in Malayalam & Sana in Hindi. It is commonly seen in Egypt, Sudan, India, Somalia etc. It is a small shrub of about 1.5 meters in height, with a branched, pale-green erect stem and long spreading branches bearing four or five pairs of leaves. It has many health benefits and has been has been recently subjected to many research studies.

Senna In Sunnah

The Messenger of Allah (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “You should use Senna and the Sannut…”

[Sunan Ibn Majah 3457]


  • Constipation
  • Piles (for easy passage of stools)
  • Weight loss
  • Anti-viral action
  • Anti-microbial action
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Hair growth
  • Skin complexion


It is now known that the laxative effects of Senna are thanks to anthra[1]quinone glycosides referred to as sennosides. These compounds stim[1]ulate intestinal contractions that lead to the rapid expulsion of waste matter. Senna can also be ready to soȅen the stool by assisting the mas[1]sive intestine to soak up more water and adding bulk to faeces.

[World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2020,6(7), 113-118]

Senna also contains the anti-inflammatory compound resveratrol which can help to soothe inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

[World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2020,6(7), 113-118]

Senna contains natural enzymes that help in regulating the bowel movements and also restoring the gastric juice secretion in stomach.

[Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies Year: 2013 Volume: 1, Issue: 3]

Senna leaves contain essential oils and tannins that help to alleviate skin inflammation. With a strong antibacterial activity, they can be made into a com[1]press which can be applied to wounds and burns. Acetone and ethanol com[1]pounds present in Senna can fight the microorganisms that cause acne. Senna also helps to scale back sebum production and increase cell regeneration and collagen production.

[World Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2020,6(7), 113-118]

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